Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Justice In Society Essay

In every society, most people desire for justice. Even most of our great political thinkers and philosophers used to ponder about this word and exerted some effort to seek and define it. For a long time, there was a debate whether justice is a man centered word. It means that justice is present if an action promotes the welfare of humans. American heritage dictionary defines justice as the quality of being just and fair. ( There are instances when the issue of justice is not only applicable for humans. What is justice becomes the issue of killing animals for food or damaging the Mother Nature for human welfare. Is it justice when it involves animals or physical things? In some cases, it becomes the issue of living a good life. But not at all times, living good means living a just life. A person can live good even virtuous life but still stepping on the rights of other people.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã¢â‚¬Å"Plato contended that justice is the quality of soul, in virtue of which men set aside the irrational desire to taste every pleasure and to get a selfish satisfaction out of every object and accommodated themselves to the discharge of a single function for the general benefit.† (Bhandari,   It means that justice is a responsibility of human beings regardless of their own pleasure and needs. Although an action deprives human being of their pleasure and welfare, it is still justice as long as it demonstrates fairness. One example is the execution of justice through penalties and punishments. It sounds not good for the criminals and law breakers. But it demonstrates fairness and is widely acceptable in our society. If justice is just for the welfare of human beings, it will be hard to execute justice because punishment will become a big issue. References American Heritage Dictionary. 2000. Retrieved February 22, 2008 from Bhandari, D.R. Plato’s Concept of Justice: An Analysis. Retrieved February 22, 2008 from      

Poetry Analysis

English 1302, Composition II Poetry Analysis Assignment: Choose ONE of the prompts below; then write a 3-4 page poetry analysis in which you analyze the use of literary elements in one of the assigned poems listed: â€Å"America† (Claude McKay); â€Å"We Wear the Mask† (Paul Laurence Dunbar); â€Å"Harlem (A Dream Deferred)† (Langston Hughes); â€Å"Mirror† (Sylvia Plath); â€Å"The Bean Eaters† (Gwendolyn Brooks); â€Å"To The Mercy Killers† (Dudley Randall); â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night† (Dylan Thomas).Your purpose is to explicate (interpret) and analyze (examine) one poem, defending your interpretive claim (a clear, concise, debatable, and assertive thesis statement that explains what the poems mean and how literary elements (i. e. speaker, figurative language (metaphor, simile, synechdoche, metonymy, personification, hyperbole, oxymoron, paradox), imagery, sound patterns, format, theme, persona, tone, symbolism, conn otation, or denotation) are employed to convey the poem’s message.Your primary support must come from the poem itself; however, you will be required to incorporate at least two secondary sources into your work. You must use literary present verb tense in reference to the poem and sources; however, you may not use first-person (I, me, we, our, us), second-person (you) references, or contractions (isn’t( is not). Neither off topic nor late essays will be accepted; also, plagiarized essays automatically receive a zero, and they may not be made up. In this paper you will adhere to the following: Make and support a claim regarding some issue in an assigned poem. †¢ Have a clearly-stated thesis that includes literary elements and gives the basic overview of your argument. †¢ Use quotes from the poem to support your major points. Also, use literary criticism from relevant and reliable sources to support your major points. †¢ Make interpretive arguments about th e language, tone, imagery, and figures of speech in the poetry, all toward proving your thesis. †¢ Put slashes between words to indicate a line break when quoting less than four lines: â€Å"We wear the mask that grins nd lies, / It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes,–† †¢ (Anything more than four lines should be put into block format, indenting 10 spaces and double spacing the text) The opening stanza of Louise Bogan’s â€Å"Women† startles readers by presenting a negative stereotype of women: Women have no wilderness in them, They are provident instead, Content in the tight hot cell of their hearts To eat dusty bread. (1-4) †¢ Provide parenthetical citations that indicate line numbers for any quoted text. In the first reference, use the word â€Å"lines. † Thereafter, use just numbers.For example, the above lines would be followed by this notation: (lines 1-2). †¢ Avoid writing merely a summary of the poem. Length: 3-4 pages (3-full page minimum); Works Cited page (MLA format) Format: MLA format: 1-inch margins, Times New Roman font, point-size 12; typed, double-spaced, printed; stapled; header and pagination Sources: 3 sources minimum (1-primary sources (the poem in the textbook); 2-secondary sources (scholarly literary criticism from books, journals, magazines, and newspapers)) Resources: TJC Library Databases (http://www. jc. edu/library/find_articles/); Purdue OWL (http://owl. english. purdue. edu/owl/resource/747/01/); Writing Center (Jenkins 1108); Literature and the Writing Process, pp. 98-106. Due Dates: Outline: ________________________ Peer Edit, Rough Draft (completed, typed, and printed): ________________________ Final Draft: Outline, Peer-edited Rough draft, Final draft: _______________________Evaluation: Topic Selection/Appropriateness; Guidelines: Minimum length; MLA style (manuscript); Clear, assertive, and analytical thesis statement; Effective organization (structure), analyzing liter ary elements; Effective paragraph structure (topic sentences, unity, coherence, development); smooth and proper MLA integration (lead-in statement, concrete detail, commentary/analysis), citation (parenthetical citations), and documentation Works Cited); Good, varied sentence structure (few or no comma splices, fragments, and fused sentences; few or no errors in subject-verb agreement, pronoun-antecedent agreement, and verb tense consistency); Good word choice; Proper grammar and punctuation. Writing Prompts: 1. Examine and defend a claim about social protest poetry. Analyze theme in one or more of these poems: Claude McKay’s feelings in â€Å"America† about living in a racist country; analyze those expressed by Paul Laurence Dunbar in â€Å"We Wear the Mask†; or analyze those expressed by Langston Hughes in â€Å"Harlem (A Dream Deferred). 2. Examine and defend a claim about imagery OR symbolism in one or more of the following poems: Claude McKay’s â₠¬Å"America,† Paul Laurence Dunbar’s â€Å"We Wear the Mask,† Gwendolyn Brook’s â€Å"The Bean Eaters,† or Sylvia Plath’s â€Å"Mirror. † 3. Examine themes about identity (self, cultural, gender, professional, community/social, national), masks, and/or deception in one of these poems: Paul Laurence Dunbar’s â€Å"We Wear the Mask,† Sylvia Plath’s â€Å"Mirror,† or Claude McKay’s â€Å"America. † 4.Examine the use of irony (verbal, situational, dramatic) OR motivation (extrinsic, intrinsic) in one or more of these poems: Paul Laurence Dunbar’s â€Å"We Wear the Mask,† Langston Hughes’s â€Å"Harlem (A Dream Deferred), Dudley Randall’s â€Å"To The Mercy Killers,† Claude McKay’s â€Å"America,† Gwendolyn Brook’s â€Å"The Bean Eaters,† or Dylan Thomas’s â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night. † 5. Examine theme, spe cifically the attitude toward death expressed in one or two of these poems: Dudley Randall’s â€Å"To The Mercy Killers† or Dylan Thomas’s â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night. 6. Examine conflict (internal and external) in one or more of these poems: Claude McKay’s â€Å"America,† Paul Laurence Dunbar’s â€Å"We Wear the Mask,† Gwendolyn Brook’s â€Å"The Bean Eaters,† Dudley Randall’s â€Å"To the Mercy Killers,† Dylan Thomas’s â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night. † 7. Examine persona or speaker in one or more of these poems: Claude McKay’s â€Å"America,† Paul Laurence Dunbar’s â€Å"We Wear the Mask,† Sylvia Plath’s â€Å"Mirror,† Dudley Randall’s â€Å"To the Mercy Killers,† Dylan Thomas’s â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night. 8. Examine some aspect of figurative language (simile, metaphor, personificat ion, hyperbole, synecdoche, metonymy) in one or more of these poems: McKay’s â€Å"America,† Plath’s â€Å"Mirror,† Brook’s â€Å"The Bean Eaters,† Hughe’s â€Å"Harlem (A Dream Deferred). † Scratch Outline: Poetry Analysis I. Introduction A. Attention-Getter (Hook) B. Background Information (T-A-G) C. Thesis Statement: The â€Å"Poem† relies on figurative language, imagery, and tone to convey this theme. Thesis should be clear, concise, assertive, and arguable) II. Body Paragraphs A. Poem Synopsis (Summary) 1. Point 1 2. Point 2 B. Poem’s Theme 1. Identity a. concrete detail b. concrete detail 2. Denial/Deception a. concrete detail b. concrete detail B. Poem’s Explication (Explanation): Figurative Language 1. Metaphor 2. Personification C. Poem’s Explication: Imagery 1. Visual 2. Tactile D. Poem’s Explication: Tone 1. Reflective 2. Resigned III. Conclusion IV. Works Cited Poetry Analysis English 1302, Composition II Poetry Analysis Assignment: Choose ONE of the prompts below; then write a 3-4 page poetry analysis in which you analyze the use of literary elements in one of the assigned poems listed: â€Å"America† (Claude McKay); â€Å"We Wear the Mask† (Paul Laurence Dunbar); â€Å"Harlem (A Dream Deferred)† (Langston Hughes); â€Å"Mirror† (Sylvia Plath); â€Å"The Bean Eaters† (Gwendolyn Brooks); â€Å"To The Mercy Killers† (Dudley Randall); â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night† (Dylan Thomas).Your purpose is to explicate (interpret) and analyze (examine) one poem, defending your interpretive claim (a clear, concise, debatable, and assertive thesis statement that explains what the poems mean and how literary elements (i. e. speaker, figurative language (metaphor, simile, synechdoche, metonymy, personification, hyperbole, oxymoron, paradox), imagery, sound patterns, format, theme, persona, tone, symbolism, conn otation, or denotation) are employed to convey the poem’s message.Your primary support must come from the poem itself; however, you will be required to incorporate at least two secondary sources into your work. You must use literary present verb tense in reference to the poem and sources; however, you may not use first-person (I, me, we, our, us), second-person (you) references, or contractions (isn’t( is not). Neither off topic nor late essays will be accepted; also, plagiarized essays automatically receive a zero, and they may not be made up. In this paper you will adhere to the following: Make and support a claim regarding some issue in an assigned poem. †¢ Have a clearly-stated thesis that includes literary elements and gives the basic overview of your argument. †¢ Use quotes from the poem to support your major points. Also, use literary criticism from relevant and reliable sources to support your major points. †¢ Make interpretive arguments about th e language, tone, imagery, and figures of speech in the poetry, all toward proving your thesis. †¢ Put slashes between words to indicate a line break when quoting less than four lines: â€Å"We wear the mask that grins nd lies, / It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes,–† †¢ (Anything more than four lines should be put into block format, indenting 10 spaces and double spacing the text) The opening stanza of Louise Bogan’s â€Å"Women† startles readers by presenting a negative stereotype of women: Women have no wilderness in them, They are provident instead, Content in the tight hot cell of their hearts To eat dusty bread. (1-4) †¢ Provide parenthetical citations that indicate line numbers for any quoted text. In the first reference, use the word â€Å"lines. † Thereafter, use just numbers.For example, the above lines would be followed by this notation: (lines 1-2). †¢ Avoid writing merely a summary of the poem. Length: 3-4 pages (3-full page minimum); Works Cited page (MLA format) Format: MLA format: 1-inch margins, Times New Roman font, point-size 12; typed, double-spaced, printed; stapled; header and pagination Sources: 3 sources minimum (1-primary sources (the poem in the textbook); 2-secondary sources (scholarly literary criticism from books, journals, magazines, and newspapers)) Resources: TJC Library Databases (http://www. jc. edu/library/find_articles/); Purdue OWL (http://owl. english. purdue. edu/owl/resource/747/01/); Writing Center (Jenkins 1108); Literature and the Writing Process, pp. 98-106. Due Dates: Outline: ________________________ Peer Edit, Rough Draft (completed, typed, and printed): ________________________ Final Draft: Outline, Peer-edited Rough draft, Final draft: _______________________Evaluation: Topic Selection/Appropriateness; Guidelines: Minimum length; MLA style (manuscript); Clear, assertive, and analytical thesis statement; Effective organization (structure), analyzing liter ary elements; Effective paragraph structure (topic sentences, unity, coherence, development); smooth and proper MLA integration (lead-in statement, concrete detail, commentary/analysis), citation (parenthetical citations), and documentation Works Cited); Good, varied sentence structure (few or no comma splices, fragments, and fused sentences; few or no errors in subject-verb agreement, pronoun-antecedent agreement, and verb tense consistency); Good word choice; Proper grammar and punctuation. Writing Prompts: 1. Examine and defend a claim about social protest poetry. Analyze theme in one or more of these poems: Claude McKay’s feelings in â€Å"America† about living in a racist country; analyze those expressed by Paul Laurence Dunbar in â€Å"We Wear the Mask†; or analyze those expressed by Langston Hughes in â€Å"Harlem (A Dream Deferred). 2. Examine and defend a claim about imagery OR symbolism in one or more of the following poems: Claude McKay’s â₠¬Å"America,† Paul Laurence Dunbar’s â€Å"We Wear the Mask,† Gwendolyn Brook’s â€Å"The Bean Eaters,† or Sylvia Plath’s â€Å"Mirror. † 3. Examine themes about identity (self, cultural, gender, professional, community/social, national), masks, and/or deception in one of these poems: Paul Laurence Dunbar’s â€Å"We Wear the Mask,† Sylvia Plath’s â€Å"Mirror,† or Claude McKay’s â€Å"America. † 4.Examine the use of irony (verbal, situational, dramatic) OR motivation (extrinsic, intrinsic) in one or more of these poems: Paul Laurence Dunbar’s â€Å"We Wear the Mask,† Langston Hughes’s â€Å"Harlem (A Dream Deferred), Dudley Randall’s â€Å"To The Mercy Killers,† Claude McKay’s â€Å"America,† Gwendolyn Brook’s â€Å"The Bean Eaters,† or Dylan Thomas’s â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night. † 5. Examine theme, spe cifically the attitude toward death expressed in one or two of these poems: Dudley Randall’s â€Å"To The Mercy Killers† or Dylan Thomas’s â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night. 6. Examine conflict (internal and external) in one or more of these poems: Claude McKay’s â€Å"America,† Paul Laurence Dunbar’s â€Å"We Wear the Mask,† Gwendolyn Brook’s â€Å"The Bean Eaters,† Dudley Randall’s â€Å"To the Mercy Killers,† Dylan Thomas’s â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night. † 7. Examine persona or speaker in one or more of these poems: Claude McKay’s â€Å"America,† Paul Laurence Dunbar’s â€Å"We Wear the Mask,† Sylvia Plath’s â€Å"Mirror,† Dudley Randall’s â€Å"To the Mercy Killers,† Dylan Thomas’s â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night. 8. Examine some aspect of figurative language (simile, metaphor, personificat ion, hyperbole, synecdoche, metonymy) in one or more of these poems: McKay’s â€Å"America,† Plath’s â€Å"Mirror,† Brook’s â€Å"The Bean Eaters,† Hughe’s â€Å"Harlem (A Dream Deferred). † Scratch Outline: Poetry Analysis I. Introduction A. Attention-Getter (Hook) B. Background Information (T-A-G) C. Thesis Statement: The â€Å"Poem† relies on figurative language, imagery, and tone to convey this theme. Thesis should be clear, concise, assertive, and arguable) II. Body Paragraphs A. Poem Synopsis (Summary) 1. Point 1 2. Point 2 B. Poem’s Theme 1. Identity a. concrete detail b. concrete detail 2. Denial/Deception a. concrete detail b. concrete detail B. Poem’s Explication (Explanation): Figurative Language 1. Metaphor 2. Personification C. Poem’s Explication: Imagery 1. Visual 2. Tactile D. Poem’s Explication: Tone 1. Reflective 2. Resigned III. Conclusion IV. Works Cited

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Research Graphic Organizer Essay

Write your thesis statement about the Effectiveness of Advertising in the space provided below. Include previous sections into this document before submitting this Research Graphic Organizer. Choose a topic: Technology; Sports Equipment; Clothing; Food Questions to research: Are advertisements aimed at teenagers effective? And, are they ethical? My Response: yes, because it looks more fashion and I think its shape design can be more accepted for most of teenagers. Of course they are ethical, because I believe that they don’t want to go bankrupt. And also bring more high-technology to improve the people’s life. Sources Title, URL, and Date of Access Central Idea–zid27-SGP511/B/cat-27-catid-All-Xperia-Tablets?_t=pfm%3Dcategory 11/4 A tablet for everything you need. Thesis Statement: A tablet for everything you need. And more closer to your life. And bring more convenience for the people who are going to use their products. Like this tablet is more bigger than previous tablets, and the quality also more  advanced. Also the water proof is one of the most attractive points to this tablets. Outline: Title: Tablet Thesis Statement: Given that more functions of tablets are invented. Tablet becomes more closer to your life. I. It used the new function â€Å"waterproof† to convince their customers to buy their products. A. Indeed its waterproof is truly an innovation. II. The weight is lighter than before. A. This strategy is really important for the people who are usually using the phone or tablet, the most lighter their tablets are, the more convenient they have. Paragraph: The tablet is very effective when they marketing to the teenagers. First the waterproof, why sony wants to do the waterproof for their tablets, it is because nowadays teenagers tend to use electronic devices, they may even using devices in the restroom. So the strategy is using teenagers’ tendency to develop appropriate function of their tablets in order to attract more customers to increase their income.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Evidence Base Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Evidence Base - Assignment Example On the other hand institutional changes, healthcare practitioner aptitude, proficiency, education play vital role. Research indicates that challengers disagree about evidence based research making significant difference in health care. A lacuna is observed in insightful approach as healthcare expenses are substantially predisposed by the implementation, acceptance and proliferation of knowledge and technology. This directly influences mortality as well as morbidity and hence evidence-based health care. Research reviews suggest that evidence based nursing practice does sway â€Å"substantial gains† in terms of patients’ behavior, knowledge, physiological and psychosocial upshots in contrast to patients who obtained customary nursing care. It is believed that evidence-based nursing is more than utilizing research findings as it is assimilation of investigations and explorations carried out while performing the research besides patient predilections, the clinical locale and situations. One of the studies conducted by Thomas et al acknowledged 18 studies of 467 healthcare contributors (partakers were nurses in all except 1 study). It was found that reporting method was inadequate and required improvement while 3-5 studies display some development and perfection indicating that evidence –based research do occupy an important position in nursing care and improvement in patient’s well

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Fashion image class Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Fashion image class - Assignment Example Design isnt characterized singularly by our garments decisions, yet is likewise passed on through the way we convey ourselves, our identities and our perspectives of the world. At its most major (and straight from the word reference), design is basically the predominating style or custom, as in dress or conduct. Thinking about my customer inclination the extent that mould recognition is of concern, my customer needs to turn into a performing artist; it has arrived at my consideration that his wardrobe obliges uncommon. My customer who is called Salem needs to turn into an on-screen character in spite of the fact that according to now he is still a scholar. Considering apparel identity my customer Salim, wardrobe choices enlighten others regarding the mystery craves that we are attempting to cover up. Moreover, Salim is short and thin in that his somatotype is described by, a high temple, retreating jaw, slender shoulders and hips, a limited midsection and midriff and meager arms and legs. An overwhelmingly ectomorphic distinct is long, slim and dainty, and thusly power and quality games are maybe not suitable as their slight form abandons them powerless to wounds (Andre, 12-20). My customer inclines toward dark and dainty clothing types, something that has given challenges while picking inclination of his colors because of the way that there is a constraint. Remembering that he enjoys feasting, voyaging, galleries and listening music, he obliges a wardrobe that is portrayed by big name life and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Financial statements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Financial statements - Essay Example They have the duty of recording, analyzing, summarizing and reporting the financial performance and position of the company to both internal and external users of financial statements. Being sales department personnel, I work on generating invoices for the customers, sales tax return and other documentation in collaboration with accounts and finance department of the company. The financial statements of my organization provide various sorts of financial information. Fundamentally, it shows the financial position of my organization through balance sheet. Financial performance of my organization is disclosed through statement of comprehensive income. The activities relating to cash inflows and outflows are reflected through statement of cash flows. Statement of changes in equity shows the information relating to changes in the equity ownership of the organization. Last part of financial statement is â€Å"notes to the financial statements† which provide detailed workings and disclosures of accounting heads that are presented in other components of financial statements (Ramgopal,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Learning the Knowledge and Skills Required of the Profession Essay

Learning the Knowledge and Skills Required of the Profession - Essay Example I am an international student who was born and raised in Russia. I am currently 17 years old. As a young and optimistic individual, I am keen on pursuing a Management course from the Glendale Community College, pegged as one of the renowned educational institutions in the United States. I acknowledged that management is one of the traditional courses that offers vast opportunities for employment. Likewise, since I have been recognized by my parents, peers, and academic instructors, as manifesting leadership traits and skills, I deemed it appropriate to pursue an endeavour where leadership skills could be put to effective use. My professional goals include applying to a global organization right after earning a degree. I would like to be exposed to the organization’s operations that encompass a widely encompassing sphere. As such, as I reviewed the courses in Glendale’s management program, I acknowledge that in the near future, I would like to pursue higher education thr ough taking a master in business administration (MBA) degree. The management course would significantly assist in identifying areas of interest in applying management theories. At this point, I am particularly enthusiastic about delving into human resources management, which is considered a dynamic and multi-dimensional field of specialization – since it involved understanding and evaluating diverse traits, skills, competencies, and abilities of people from varied geographic and cultural orientations. Concurrently, I acknowledge that Glendale would be the perfect educational institution that would provide the theoretical framework, as well as harness the essential skills to become a practising manager in the near future.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Archimede's Constant in Everyday Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Archimede's Constant in Everyday Life - Essay Example Originally, according to the Webster Dictionary, π is the 16th letter of the Greek Alphabet series. The constant π is called so because it is the first letter of the Greek Letter word perimeter. The first person to use this Greek letter word for the denoting the value of pi was William Jones. In-plane geometry, the constant pi shows the relationship that exists between the circumference and diameter of a circle, regardless of its size. This constant remains the same regardless of the size of the circle. So, π = C/d serves as the basic relationship. Further modification can also help to rewrite the relationship as π = C/r2. The number is also transcendental; it is a number that is not a root of any polynomial with rational coefficients, or it is not an algebraic number of any degree. The value of pi is 3.141519...The origin of this constant can be traced back to the times of 400 BC in ancient Greece; this was the first time there has been evidence of recording the cons tant pi by a mathematician. Greeks, especially ancient Greece has been known for making giant leaps in the field of geometry and the identification of this constant does not come as a surprise. In later years of 200-300 BC, it was Archimedes who was able to approximate the figure of 22/7 for pi, for the first time ever. After Archimedes’ death, the Romans took control over the world. They are not known for the mathematical achievements and research into this wonderful constant was next to zero at this time.After the dark ages of the Roman invasion, pi gained activity again in the Renaissance period in Europe. In the 1700s, after the invention of the calculator, the fastest calculation method for pi was developed by Leonhard Euler. Now that we have the facility of supercomputers it has been found that the constant goes up to 206, 158, 430, 000 digits and counting!

CAse fOr AnALYsis The New Haven Initiative Article

CAse fOr AnALYsis The New Haven Initiative - Article Example The problem solving approach adapted by Burton was successful. However, it resulted to a conflict among the employees and the management. The source of conflict was the shift of the decision-making role from the supervisors to the individual employees. Due to the shift, supervisors felt that they were losing prestige and seniority. Moreover, some employees felt that they were given responsibilities that were not theirs. This made them to rebel against the approach thus resulting to the conflict. To get workers cooperation and full management support, Burton could have taken several measures. He could not have assumed that self-management team would be appealing to everyone. Instead, he could have taken an initiative of educating the employees on the benefits they could obtain from a self-managed team. Moreover, he could have undertaken a research to identify some of the possible negative impacts of self-managed teams and possible solutions to those impacts. This could have made the management to gain confidence on the approach and thus give him their full

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

9Live strategic analysis - general environment Essay

9Live strategic analysis - general environment - Essay Example Being one of the leading innovators in the realm of interactive T.V, 9Live seems to targeting every person. Since it is primarily a quiz TV channel and can be accessed through internet therefore its demographic study includes most of those viewers who are either fond of using technology or having some tendencies to gamble. Besides, the concept was of an interactive T.V. running without advertisement revenues therefore there was an strong tendency that channel must lure people from all walks of life to constantly call in during all time of the day so that a constant flow of revenue is insured. Since It was largely believed that solving crossword puzzles, or answering quiz shows was the job of those who probably are of old age or unemployed therefore demographical factors present a different challenge to 9Live. Germany is by far the largest economy in Europe. 9Live emerged on the scene when German market was not developed for the concept of interactive T.V. however emergence of shopping channel like of H.O.T. was suggesting a change in the industry dynamics. Germany is one of the most critical and important members of the European Union as for as the economy is considered. Government deficits in budgets were virtually not existening however Germany was marred by low GDP growth i.e. 0.7% in 2001 when the channel was launched whereas unemployment level was at 9.5% suggesting strong downturns in the economy. (Ewing). Clearly, the downward turn in the business cycle is hitting Germany hard. But this is more than just a cyclical bout of bad news. It was largely believed that the economic efforts at that time were stalled as Germanys 3.9 million unemployed was heading no way. Apart from that the period of 9Live launch was marred mainly by recession in the economy of Germany and due to widening u nemployment gaps, the probability of attracting the paid callers seems to be low no matter how cheap it can be. Though German media

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The 2003 Firestorm in Southern California Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The 2003 Firestorm in Southern California - Essay Example Some mitigation tactics existed before 2003 to avoid extreme wildfires. However, the measures were inadequate during the 2003 firestorm in California. The firefighters lacked the firefighting capacity and surveillance as well as communications capabilities to salvage people whose homes construction materials were highly flammable materials besides surrounded by flammable vegetation. To reduce the risk of wild fires, resource agencies developed expertise in fuel loading and fire behavior that allowed them to decide when lighting fires could be left to burn or deliberate prescribed fires to be set (Newig, Voß, & Monstadt 2013). The top priority of the fire agencies became protecting the vulnerable communities. The 2003 firestorm was a catalyst for passage of a national law that promised â€Å"healthy forests†. Post the 2003 firestorm, the department of forestry in California commands approximately 3,800 firefighters on a full-time basis, 1,400 being seasonal, 7,800 volunteers and 1027 fire engines (Newig, Voß, & Monstadt 2013). Moreover, it maintains a fleet of aircraft, which include almost twenty air tankers, thirteen air attack planes, and ten helicopters. This is an increment from the little equipment available prior to the 2003 firestorm.The urban/wild land interface refers to an area or environment inhabited by humans (man-made) joins the natural environment. Over the years, people are building their houses nearer to the forests and some are cutting down forests to live there.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Human Computer interaction Essay Example for Free

Human Computer interaction Essay As we know that 2012 Olympic Games will be held in London, this computer interface is specifically designed for all kind of people around the globe in order to check for games, dates, locations, competitions along with hotels, transport facility, accommodation and restaurants etc. To implement information system in an organization it requires a separate information systems department. Information systems department handles all information technology related issues, processing of the data, and networking in the organization. Information systems department is operated by specialists of computer technology also called information system specialists. These are project leaders, programmers, managers, system analysts, hardware engineers, software engineers, core technologists, and consultants. It also includes computer services companies that offer hardware and software services to the organization. An important element of information system is the computer technology and its core competencies; it involves all software and hardware application. Today, information system has become very important in any organization not only because of its usefulness and efficiency but because of its reliability, its ability to manipulate work accurately, ability to expand businesses and services and the competitiveness and edge over others. Information system is very important to bring change in an organization. The change in the organization is brought to enhance performance and quality of products. It is a very powerful tool to in implementing information technology and development of an organization. The information systems department implementation and size vary in an organizations depending upon the organization itself. The IT services companies are totally based on the information system. Model users Identify the different user groups. †¢ Social computing communities. They are part of the users in a new field of human computer interaction. They focus on the design, evaluation and maintenance of the system, and they interact socially via digital technology. †¢ Online community. They are people who use the online as the media to chat or socialize with other people including those in other countries. †¢ Business/professional. They are people who are visiting the Olympic event but want to keep in touch with their work at the office and their professional agendas. Fro example, while attending the Olympic event, they can still communicate with their office, checking on messages, talk to their clients or staff through the intranet, etc. †¢ Students. They can have access to their school, continue on studying while attending the event. And last but not least, †¢ The people who come to the Olympic as visitors, the athletes, and all other people who are participating in the organizing the event. UNA and Design Perform a User Needs Analysis (UNA) for the expected user population(s). Human Computer Interaction application involves a thrusts of human perception and its relationship to graphical user interfaces and that the impact of mental models on a system can ease the use of the system. †¢ User Characteristics User characteristics may include age, gender, life style, preferences, education and its background, level of knowledge, and other social factors that may spark the interest of the individuals to use the system. †¢ Work/Task Characteristics (Produce a HTA) Task characteristics required to human computer interaction can be defined by using action regulation theory such as the one described by Ulich et al (1991 in Fjed and Rauterberg, p3): (A) Task dependent setting of (sub-)goals which are embedded in the superimposed task goal; (B) Independent action preparation in the sense of taking on planning functions; and, selection of the means including the necessary actions for goal attainment; (C) Mental or physical performance functions with feedback on performance pertaining to possible corrections of actions; (D) Control with feedback on results and the possibility of checking the results of ones own actions against the set (sub-)goals In addition, several methods can also be developed and be used to analyze this task characteristics such as questionnaires and interviews; (Scott, Osgood Peterson 1979); scoring rationale of observable behaviour (McDaniel Lawrence 1990); protocol analysis based on actions and utterances (Ericsson Simon 1984); and formal models (Kieras Polson 1985) and executable models (Ritter Larkin 1994). The modeling for these methods consist of four different modeling levels such as modeling traditions, modeling paradigms, model classes, and specific models (Fjeld and Rauterberg, 1998).

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Reflective Essay on Referral Systems in Nursing

Reflective Essay on Referral Systems in Nursing Learning Objective:- To acquire knowledge about the various referrals systems used in my placement area. This reflective essay describes my experience in achieving my learning objective, referral system which I had taken as a part of the ONP programme. According to Dewey (1916) Reflection is a process which perceives connections and links between the parts of an experience (cited by Boud et al, 1985). When nurses reflect on what they do, they can make sense of their practice, and imagine and/or bring about changes ( street 1991; Cox et al.1991 cited by Taylor, B. J., 2000). Reflection helps us to transform ourselves to provide better care for the patients by enhancing our skills and knowledge. Schon, D. (1983) emphasised that reflection is a way in which professionals can bridge the theory- practice gap, based on the potential of reflection to uncover knowledge in and on action (cited by Taylor, B. J., 2000) I have chosen Gibbs model of reflection (1988) to reflect on my experience. I chose this framework because it enables me to recapture the event step by step and thus to learn from my experience as experience is the best teacher of all (Harry Callahan, H. cited online). Referral is defined as aÂÂ  personÂÂ  recommendedÂÂ  toÂÂ  someoneÂÂ  orÂÂ  forÂÂ  something (Dictionary. com, 2009).Since all health care required cannot be obtained at any given level of the system, anÂÂ  effective referral mechanism is a key element in the delivery of care (The Ministry of Health, Belize, 2006). So I took this objective to get familiar to the referral system used in my new placement area. As I am working in a stroke unit, most of the patients require a multidisciplinary approach. The core multidisciplinary team includes appropriate levels of nursing, medical, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, and social services staff. Other disciplines are also regularly involved in the management of stroke patients including clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, dietitians. (SIGN, 2010). This was different from my past working experience even though there was involvement of multidisciplinary teams and referrals to various specialities, but referrals to social services and also the policies pertaining to referrals is a new experience. I observed how my senior colleagues refer patients to various teams, asked doubts on the various teams available in the trust and how to avail them and the basis of referring a patient. Then, I was able to refer patients under guidance. My mentor has also assigned me to do referrals and has assessed me for the same. I got feedback and was able to make necessary corrections. I was able to refer patients to various teams such as Speech and Language therapist (SALT), diabetic nurse, dietitician, and OT. Initially I had some difficulty in understanding the various teams and their roles, the different forms used to refer patients, methods to refer (by fax/calls). But as I was able to do several referrals I got familiar with the system used in my placement area. In the beginning I observed my senior colleagues referring the patient and then I began to refer patients. I was able to clarify doubts with my mentor and colleagues thus helping me to understand the healthcare system more effectively. Now, I feel confident in referring patients to other healthcare team as needed because the holistic, comprehensive, interactive approach of an interdisciplinary team is the hallmark of stroke rehabilitation (Miller et al, 2010)). I feel by taking this learning outcome I was able to improve my communication skills and teamwork thus enabled me to develop professionally. My mentor has assessed me competent in referring patients. According to Dent, S. M., 2007The ability to hear what others are saying and determine the accuracy and relevancy of their feedback is a significant source of professional and partnership development and a critical leadership competency. I believe I was able to achieve an important outcome essential for me to provide holistic care for the patients. As I did several referrals, I was able to build my confidence and take part in appropriate learning and practice activities that maintain and develop my competence and performance (NMC, 2008).Guidance from my mentor and colleagues helped me to understand the system and thus enabled me to deal with it at ease. My mentor assessed me competent in referring patient effectively. It is necessary for a patient to receive appropriate medical attention where required for a speedy progress. It is the responsibility of the staff to ensure that timely referrals are made so that patient care is not jeopardised. As a whole, I was able to gain knowledge about the referral system used in my placement which helped me to keep myself up to date with the resources available to ensure effective care. I ensured that for patients under my care referrals are made on time and if I am not sure of something I make it a point to take the valuable opinion of my seniors (NMC, 2008). As a future action plan, I feel that I should keep my knowledge and skills up to date (NMC, 2008) and should be aware of all the trust policies in order to make effective use of the resources available. I will also actively do more referrals and be well versed with the system.

Mba Y De La Educación Ejecutiva

Mba Y De La Educacià ³n Ejecutiva Publicado: Sà ¡bado, 14 de febrero de 2009 a las 06:00 Las escuelas de negocios replantean la enseà ±anza de valores tras la crisis y los fraudes recientes; la actual debacle econà ³mica es la primera que protagonizan los graduados de estos programas. expansion Estafas como la de Bernard Madoff revigorizaron la discusià ³n. (Foto: Jorge Garaiz)Estafas como la de Bernard Madoff revigorizaron la discusià ³n. (Foto: Jorge Garaiz) ARTà CULOS RELACIONADOS IPADE e ITAM, los mejores MBA en 2009 La escuela de negocios de la Universidad Panamericana corona de nuevo el ranking de Expansià ³n. MBA de Harvard lidera ranking global 6 escuelas de EU, 3 inglesas y una espaà ±ola son la mà ¡s prestigiadas en la lista 2009 de Expansià ³n. Los mejores MBA de Mà ©xico 2008 El IPADE es la mejor opcià ³n para estudiar una Maestrà ­a en Administracià ³n de Negocios en el paà ­s Los mejores MBA globales 2008 El Master de Stanford es el ganador del ranking de Expansià ³n 2008 y Harvard le pisa los talones OTROS ENLACES enfoques Testimonios y tips enfoques 17 opciones en Mà ©xico Por: Gustavo Stok y Marco Appel BUENOS AIRES/BRUSELAS — La crisis puso en evidencia las carencias de muchos ejecutivos y de su formacià ³n. Mientras asimilan el daà ±o a su imagen, las escuelas de negocios empiezan a debatir y ensayan cambios en sus programas y mà ©todos de enseà ±anza. La sucesià ³n de escà ¡ndalos financieros, desde las acusaciones al CEO de Lehman Brothers, Richard Fuld Jr, por el presunto ocultamiento de informacià ³n sobre el estado financiero del banco, hasta la estafa por unos 50,000 MDD de Bernard Madoff, ex presidente del Nasdaq, revigorizà ³ una discusià ³n que no es nueva. â€Å"Esta reflexià ³n sobre la importancia de la à ©tica, del gobierno corporativo y de la responsabilidad social ya nos la hemos hecho cuando se produjo la debacle de Enron y las puntocom. Pero no fue suficiente: al cabo de unos aà ±os, volvimos a las andadas†, dice Joan Fontrodona, director del departamento de Ética de la IESE Business School, la escuela de direccià ³n de la Universidad de Navarra, en Barcelona. No obstante, el gran cambio para las escuelas de negocios es que, a diferencia de lo que sucedà ­a hace casi una dà ©cada, esta discusià ³n sobre la à ©tica ejecutiva ya no constituye un mero ejercicio intelectual reflejado en casos de anà ¡lisis. Ahora, encontrar respuestas es una necesidad imperiosa para limitar los daà ±os a la imagen de los centros de estudios. Esa necesidad fue uno de los motores que impulsaron a mà ¡s de 250 decanos de escuelas de negocios de todo el mundo a reunirse por primera vez el 6 de diciembre pasado en la sede de las Naciones Unidas, en Nueva York, para discutir cà ³mo pueden enseà ±ar a las nuevas generaciones de là ­deres corporativos el valor global de la responsabilidad social. El Global Forum for Responsible Management Education tiene su origen en una iniciativa de varias escuelas que arrancà ³ en 2007, cuando la crisis financiera ya era un hecho. â€Å"Inclusià ³n y economà ­a global sustentable son palabras nuevas en las escuelas de negocios; hay que volverlas habituales†, dijo en aquel encuentro à ngel Cabrera, presidente de la Thunderbird School of Global Management y titular de la fuerza de tarea internacional que delineà ³ los principios à ©ticos que se difundieron en esa reunià ³n. Cambios en marcha A fines de noviembre pasado, Harvard publicà ³ una profunda investigacià ³n sobre cuà ¡l es el futuro de los MBA y de la educacià ³n ejecutiva. El informe, en el que participaron 30 decanos de las escuelas mà ¡s prestigiosas del mundo, pone sobre la mesa tres cuestiones que los centros de estudios deberà ­an incluir en sus programas para hacer frente a los desafà ­os actuales: globalizacià ³n, enseà ±anza experimental y desarrollo del liderazgo. Este à ºltimo à ­tem es, precisamente, uno de los dà ©ficits que dejà ³ mà ¡s en evidencia la crisis. Los especialistas sostienen que, en los à ºltimos aà ±os, buena parte de los MBA girà ³ hacia un tipo de educacià ³n calificada en el à ¡mbito cuantitativo, pero sin una buena formacià ³n en las llamadas ‘habilidades blandas.  ¿Resultado? Carencia de là ­deres con capacidad para gestionar, comunicar y solucionar problemas mà ¡s allà ¡ de sus funciones. A esto se sumà ³ la tendencia creciente a formar directivos cuya exclusiva preocupacià ³n pasa por otorgar beneficios a los accionistas, y lograr para sà ­ mismos los jugosos incentivos. â€Å"Con la crisis actual hemos quebrado tambià ©n una idea acerca del objetivo de las escuelas de negocios†, dijo Edward Freeman, profesor de Ética de la Darden School of Business, de la Universidad de Virginia, en un panel, el pasado 24 de septiembre. â€Å"Lo que hacen es capacitar a los estudiantes para convertirlos en especialistas funcionales, pero por lo que deberà ­an estar preocupadas, antes que nada, es por entender cà ³mo formar là ­deres que generen valor para los consumidores, proveedores, trabajadores, la comunidad y tambià ©n para los inversionistas. Esos elementos van unidos, no separados. Si yo fuera profesor de Finanzas, me sentirà ­a humillado porque da la impresià ³n que hicimos mal las cosas†. Las escuelas de negocios estadounidenses que vieron salir a sus egresados de Lehman, Merril Lynch y otras firmas en crisis, no accedieron a las solicitudes de entrevista formuladas por Expansià ³n. Harvard no respondià ³ los pedidos, en NYU Stern seà ±alaron que tenà ­an â€Å"otras prioridades urgentes que atender† y desde Wharton invitaron a consultar el anà ¡lisis realizado sobre el origen de la crisis financiera en su pà ¡gina de internet. Ética y catarsis En Amà ©rica Latina, las principales escuelas de negocios creen que los ajustes en sus programas y mà ©todos de enseà ±anza no serà ¡n tan profundos como los que se esperan en EU.  ¿La razà ³n? â€Å"(en Amà ©rica Latina) la preocupacià ³n por temas à ©ticos ya habà ­a sido consistente en los à ºltimos aà ±os†, dice Leonidas Montes, profesor de Economà ­a, Instituciones e Ideas Polà ­ticas y Ética de los Negocios de la Universidad Adolfo Ibà ¡Ãƒ ±ez, en Santiago de Chile. En todo caso, en tiempos de crisis, la apuesta pasa por fortalecer las discusiones de corte formativo, de à ©tica y balance de vida. En Mà ©xico, el IPADE, que siempre se ha enfocado en los valores, lo està ¡ haciendo mediante el anà ¡lisis de casos emblemà ¡ticos. Uno de ellos es el de Vicente, un financiero egresado de esta escuela, de 32 aà ±os, con voracidad por el dinero, que duerme poco, toma medicamentos y està ¡ distanciado de su esposa y amigos. â€Å"Todo eso conforma una problemà ¡tica oculta, de la que no se habla con los jefes. A veces porque los mismos jefes son ‘Vicentes que tienen a cargo a otros ‘Vicentes. La crisis econà ³mica es consecuencia de esos individualismos, de los problemas de personas y grupos de personas†¦ y a ese tipo de gente se le ha formado en las escuelas de negocios†, dice Carlos Alejandro Armenta Pico, profesor de Ética del IPADE. Ademà ¡s de Vicente, esta institucià ³n trabaja con otros casos paradigmà ¡tic os, como el de un ejecutivo enredado en un sistema que premia al que trabaja 16 horas por dà ­a, entre otros ejemplos. En Argentina, el IAE Business School, en tanto, incluyà ³ en su oferta una serie de seminarios utilizados para catarsis de los ejecutivos. â€Å"En tiempos de crisis, los tres grandes ejes temà ¡ticos de las escuelas de negocios debieran ser valores à ©ticos, gobierno corporativo y, el mà ¡s importante, cà ³mo motivar a la gente en situaciones como la crisis†, dice Josà © Marà ­a Corrales, profesor y director del à ¡rea acadà ©mica de Sistemas de Direccià ³n y Control del IAE, en Buenos Aires. â€Å"La escuela (†¦es) tambià ©n el à ¡mbito para que altos directivos hagan una suerte de catarsis, compartir experiencias. Hay mucha inquietud, mucha desazà ³n, y eso està ¡ generando una alta demanda en los seminarios†. Los especialistas advierten que esto tendrà ¡ efectos globales. â€Å"Los MBA no tendrà ¡n la misma influencia si se les ve como boletos automà ¡ticos a ciertos empleos†, comenta Philippe Haspeslagh, decano de la Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School, en Bà ©lgica. En tanto, para el argentino Claudio Fernà ¡ndez Arà ¡oz, socio de la firma de cazatalentos Egon Zehnder Internacional, una de las consecuencias pasarà ¡ por imponer criterios mà ¡s rigurosos de seleccià ³n del personal. â€Å"La demanda de los MBA no deberà ­a disminuir, si bien las compaà ±Ãƒ ­as tendrà ¡n que ser mucho mà ¡s cuidadosas y selectivas en sus contrataciones†, dice. Avaricia y falta de à ©tica, ausencia de liderazgo e individualismo. La crisis dejà ³ al desnudo las carencias de muchos ejecutivos y, por extensià ³n, de su formacià ³n. â€Å"Nos guste o no, las escuelas de negocios nos veremos afectadas () Eso sà ­, es probable que, en primer tà ©rmino, se observe mà ¡s hacia las escuelas estadounidenses, mà ¡s enfocadas en finanzas†, comenta Camino de Paz, directora ejecutiva de programas MBA de la IE-Instituto de Empresa Business School, en Espaà ±a. Las escuelas europeas, incluso, esperan que crezca el interà ©s por estudiar en Europa por sobre EU. A Katia Muà ±oz Serrano le ofrecieron una beca para estudiar un MBA en Boston, â€Å"pero lo rechacà © porque culturalmente no encontraba valor agregado en Estados Unidos†, dice. Ella escogià ³ la Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School porque era la à ºnica que tenà ­a un enfoque en la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa. Las escuelas europeas confà ­an en que casos como à ©ste se multipliquen e intentan marcar distancias con las estadounidenses. â€Å"Hay una gran diferencia entre las escuelas que orientan sus MBA a una enseà ±anza mà ¡s amplia del management, y las otras que llamamos ‘fà ¡bricas de MBA, que està ¡n dirigidas a (satisfacer) a Wall Street o Londres: mà ¡s de 60% de los estudiantes de MBA està ¡n trabajando en el sector financiero†, seà ±ala Haspeslagh, de la Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School. â€Å"El prestigio de nuestras escuelas podrà ­a verse un poco menos daà ±ado que el de las estadounidenses, y aunque todavà ­a es muy pronto para determinar si mà ¡s candidatos latinoamericanos van a volver la vista a las escuelas europeas, si el debate y la polà ©mica sobre los valores crecen, es posible que haya mà ¡s interesados en Latinoamà ©rica por nuestras escuelas†, prevà © Camino de Paz, de la IE.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Leadership Essay -- essays research papers

leadership Getting To Know Yourself What is encouraged in being a good leader? After doing the exercise in the context that dealt with the study of leadership traits and characteristics that was done by Kirkpatrick and Locke, I found some of the importance of leadership traits. Knowing the importance is only one step in getting to know yourself. Its also being able to use the leadership traits in ways that make you more able to lead. Finding what it really takes to be a successful leader may be hard, but I can recall several events in my career as a manager that can make the normal leaders' head spin. Just looking back at what I have done so far as a manager makes me stop and think "what did I do to get me this far?" It is a very competitive environment in any industries ... Leadership Essay -- essays research papers leadership Getting To Know Yourself What is encouraged in being a good leader? After doing the exercise in the context that dealt with the study of leadership traits and characteristics that was done by Kirkpatrick and Locke, I found some of the importance of leadership traits. Knowing the importance is only one step in getting to know yourself. Its also being able to use the leadership traits in ways that make you more able to lead. Finding what it really takes to be a successful leader may be hard, but I can recall several events in my career as a manager that can make the normal leaders' head spin. Just looking back at what I have done so far as a manager makes me stop and think "what did I do to get me this far?" It is a very competitive environment in any industries ...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Book Review of The Things they Carried Essay -- essays research pape

Tim O’Brien’s, The Things they Carried is a riveting tale of struggle and sacrifice, self indulgence and self pity, and the intrapersonal battles that reeked havoc on even the most battle tested soldiers. O’Brien is able to express these ideas through eloquent writing and descriptive language that makes the reader feel as if he were there. The struggle to avoid cowardice is a prevailing idea in all of O’Brien’s stories.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In â€Å"On the Rainy River†, O’Brien writes of intrapersonal struggle in its most profound form. The gripping torture of indecision seemed to paralyze Lt. Jimmy Cross in every move he made. Fear is what kept him away from the war, and fear is what made him join his countrymen in battle. A pacifist who did not support the war, the narrator Jimmy Cross was forced to make the difficult decision of what was more important to him. In the end, it was Cross’s reluctancy to deal with the consequences of pacifism which made his decision to go to war. That indecision seems to stay with Cross throughout the book and causes him much hardship in many of the short stories.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The struggle to avoid cowardice is very important to the narrator. In his time near the Canadian border, he has much time for self reflection. That self reflection seemed to be something very necessary for Lt. Jimmy Cross. While there, he discovered that devotion to his family, his hometown, and his country was stronger than devotion to his own mora...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Bilingual Education Act Essay -- Bilingual Education, languages, fore

Bilingual education is defined as involving the use of two languages as media of intrusions (May, 2008). It is an educational process that aims to promote and â€Å"maintain longer-term student bilingualism and bi-literacy, adding another language to, but not subtracting from the student’s existing language repertoire† (May, 2008, p. 19-20). Simply, bilingual education is the use of more than one language to deliver curriculum content. Bilingual education Act (BEA) was enacted into law in 1968 by President Lyndon B. Johnson as part of the War on Poverty. The policy expressed U.S. commitment to the needs of the growing number of children in the public schools whose first language was not English (Petrzela, 2010). This commitment was articulated as President Johnson signed the bill into law: Thousands of children of Latin descent, young Indians, and others will get a better start— better chance—in school. . . .We are now giving every child in America a better chance to touch his outermost limits. . . . We have begun a campaign to unlock the full potential of every boy and girl—regardless of his race, or his religion, or his father’s income. (Sanchez, 1973) Bilingual education policy is political activity replete with historical, social, cultural, and economic contexts (Crawford, 2000; Tolleson & Tsui, 2004). It is linked to legislation, court decisions, and executive actions. (Gandara & Gomez, 2009). The BEA came at an exceptional period of domestic upheaval, demographic transformation, and on the heel of the civil right movement. The Act created a channel to provide states and local education districts with funds, personnel assistance, and other incentives for the development of bilingual education program. Purpose of... ...on helped direct large sums of federal money into education for space research, and language programs. The Soviet launching of Sputniks seemed to overshadow race, religion, state rights and other issues that had blocked previous attempts (Forrest & Kinser, 2002). One of the great accomplishment of the time was the passage the National Defense Education Act, 1958 (NDEA). This act provided aid to both public and private schools at all levels to advance the areas of science, math, and modern foreign languages. The act also provided aid to English as a Second Language programs. According to Forrest and Kinser: The importance of the NDEA rests not on its specific provisions, but on its psychological breakthrough. For the first time in nearly a century, the federal government displayed interest in the quality of education that public and private provided. (p. 240)

Sample Thesis

A Sample Thesis Wit h a Subt it le by Micha elM cNeil Fo rb es B. Sc. , The Univer s ity of Br itis h Co lumbia , 19 99 M. Sc. , The Univer s ity of Br itis h Co lumbia , 20 01 SUBMITTE D TO THE DE PARTME NT OF P HYSICS AND ASTRO NO MY IN PARTIAL FULFILLME NT OF THE RE Q UIRE ME NTS FO R THE DE GRE E OF MAST E R O F SCIE NCE AT THE MASSACHUSE TTS INSTITUTE OF TE CHNO LO GY cMicha elM cNeil Fo rb es, 20 00. All r ig hts r eser ved. The a utho r her eby gr a nts to MIT p er mis sio n to r epr o duce a nd to distr ibute publicly pa p er a nd electr o nic copies of this thesis do cument in whole or in par t. Sig na ture of Autho r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Depa r tment of P hysics a nd Astr o no my June 2 0 04 Ce r ti? e d by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Fr a nk Wilczek Her ma n Feshba ch Pr o fess or of P hysics Thesis Sup ervisor Accepted by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Tho ma s Gr eytak P ro fessor a nd Asso cia te Depa r tment Head fo r E duca tion 2 In pr esenting this thes is in pa r tia l ful? llment of the r equir ements fo r an a d- va nced deg r ee at the Univer sity of Br itish Co lumbia,I ag r ee tha t the L ibrary sha ll ma ke it fr eely ava ila ble fo r r efer ence a nd study. I further ag r ee tha t p er mis- sio n f o r extensive co pying of this thesis fo r scho la r ly pur p oses may be gr a nted by the hea d of my depa r tment or by his or her r epr es enta tives. It is under s to od tha t co pying or publica tio n of this thesis fo r ? a ncia l ga in sha ll no t be a llowed witho ut my wr itten p er missio n. (Sig na ture) Depa r tment of P hysics a nd Astr o no my Ma ssa chusetts Institute of Techno lo gy Ca mbr idg e, Ma ssa chusetts, USA Da te A Sample Thesis Wit h a Subt it le by Micha elM cNeil Fo rb es Submitted to the Depa r tment of P hysics a nd Astr o no my o n Ja nua ry 5, 20 10 , in pa r tia l ful? llment of the r equir ements fo r the deg r ee of Ma s ter of Science A b stract The ge nt he si s. cls L ATEX class ? le a nd accompanying do cuments, such as this sa mple thesis, ar e distr ibuted in the ho p e tha t it will be useful but witho ut a ny a rr a nty (witho ut even the implied wa rr a nty of ? tness fo r a pa r ticula r pur p ose). Fo r a descr iptio n of this ? le†™s pur p ose, a nd instr uctio ns on its use, see b elow. These ? les ar e dis tr ibuted under the GP L which s ho uld be included her e in the futur e. P lea se let the a utho r know ofa ny cha ng es or impr ovements that sho uld b e ma de. Micha el Fo rb es. mfo rb [email  protected] a lum. mit. edu Thesis Sup ervisor:Fr a nk Wilczek Title: Her ma n Fes hba ch Pr o fess or of P hys ics 4 C h ap ter1 Tabl e of C ontents Abs tract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Tabl e of Contents †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 4 2 List of Tabl es †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 5 3 Li st of Fi g ures†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 6 4 Pre face . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5 Acknowl e dg em e nts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6 Po em . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 I Thesis 11 7 Thi s is a Chapter †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 12 7. 1 A Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 7. 1 . 1 This is a Subsection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 8 Another Chapter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 8. 1 Ano ther Section. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 9 Landscap e Mo de †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 17 B i bl i o g raphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 A pp endices A First App endix †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 20 5 C h ap ter2 L is t of Tabl es 5. 1 Po tentia l so ur ces of info r ma tio n r eg ar ding thesis pr epa ra tio n at MI T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 7. 1 Here is the ca ptio n fo r this wo nder ful ta ble. Text of Ca ptio n.. . 13 6 C h ap ter 3 L is t of Fi gures 8. 1 Ha ppy Face:? g ur e exa mple†¦ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 7 C h ap ter4 P r efa ce These pa p er s have b een publis hed ea r lier . . .. 8 C h ap ter5 Ack now l edgem ents Tha nk yo u mo ther her e. 9 Di scl ai m er The mi tt h es is L ATEX cla ss a nd the a cco mpa nying sa mple ? les are un o? cial a nd are not supp orted by the Massa chusetts Institute of Technolog y. WhileI have a ttempted to ma ke the style ? le a nd sa mple ? les co nfo rm to a llof the r equir ements set fo r th by the libr ar y,yo u sho uld a lways co nsult o ne ofthe library sta ? memb ers fo r assista nce with pro blems efore s tar ting ? naldr a ft. Yo u sho uld be a ble to ? nd the thesis r equir ements at o ne of the fo llowing sites: h t t p : / /l i b ra r i es . mi t. ed u /a rc h iv es / th es is – sp ec s/ h t t p : / /l i b ra r i es . mi t. ed u /a rc h iv es / in de x. h tml Ta ble 5 . 1:Po tentialso ur ces ofinfo r ma tio n r eg ar ding thesis pr epa ra tio n at MI T. 10 C h ap ter6 A Japanes e I ntro ducti on This is a s ma ll p o em, a little p o em, a Ha iku, to show you how to. —Micha el Forb es. This sma ll p o em shows sever al fea tur es: †¢The ew pa ge co mma nd ha s b een used to fo rce a pa ge br ea k. The pa g estyle ha s b een set to suppr ess the hea der s using the co mma nd th is pa ge s tyle {pla in} . No te tha t using p ag es ty le {p l a in} wo uld have a ? ected a ll of the s ubs equent pa g es. †¢The c ha pt er [P oe m] {A Ja pa ne se In tr od uc ti on} command hasbe en used with an o ptio na l ar g ument to g ener a te a title a nd to list this â€Å" cha p- ter† in the table of contents as â€Å"Po em†. If o ne did no t desir e to have an entr y in the ta ble of co ntents,then o ne wo uld just use the starr ed co m- ma nd ch ap t er *{} . The use of an o ptio nala r g ument is us efulfo r lo ng hapter a nd section titles that take up to o much space in the table of c o nte nts. †¢All of this ha s b een do ne before the m ai nm at ter comma nd ha s b een issued to delay nor mal Ara bic numb ering. Thus , this p o em w ill b e num- b ered with lowercase Roman numerals as part of the fro nt matter. 11 Pa r tI T hes is 12 C h ap ter7 T hi s is a Chapter 7. 1 A S ec tion Her e is a sectio n with so me text. Equations lo ok like this y=x. This is an exa mple of a seco nd pa ra gr a ph in a sectio n so yo u ca n see how much it is indente d by. 7. 1. 1 This is a Subsec t ion Her e is an exa mple of a cita tio n:[1]. The a ctualfo rm of the cita tio n is g ov- er ned by the biblio gr a phys tyle. These cita tio ns ar e ma intained in a BIBTeX ? le s am pl e. bib . Yo u co uld typ e these dir ectly into the ? le. Fo r an exa mple o f the format to use lo ok at the ? le mi ts am pl e. bbl a fter yo u co mpile this ? le. This is an exa mple of a seco nd pa ra gr a ph in a s ubsectio n so yo u ca n see how much it is indente d by. Thi s is a Subsubse cti on Her e ar e so me mo re cita tio ns [2 , 3, 4]. If yo u use the na tb ib packa ge with the s or t& co mp re ss optio n,then the fo llowing cita tio n willlo ok the same as the rst cita tio n in this sectio n:[2, 3, 4]. This is an exa mple of a seco nd pa ra gr a ph in a s ubsubsectio n so yo u ca n see how much it is indente d by. Thi s is a Paragraph Pa ra gr a phs a nd s ubpa ra gr a phs ar e the s ma lles t units o f tex t. Ther e is no s ubs ubs ubs ectio n etc. Thi s is a Subparagraph This is the la st level of or ga nisa tio n. If yo u need m o re tha n this, yo u s ho uld co nsider r eo rg a nizing yo ur wo r k. .. f(x)= x e? y2 2dy e ?z 2dz(7 . 1) In order to show you what a separate page would lo ok like (i. e. witho uta cha pter hea ding ) I must typ e so me mo re text. T hus I willba bble a bit a nd keep ba bbling fo r at lea st o ne mo re pa g e. . . Wha t yo u sho uld notice is that the cha pter titles a pp ea r substa ntia lly lower tha n the co ntinuing text. Ba bble babble babble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble 7. 1. A Sec tion 13 P ho enix $ 9 60 . 35 C a lg a ry$ 2 50 . 00 Ta ble 7 . 1:Here is the ca ptio n fo r this wo nder ful ta ble. Text of Ca ption babble babble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble babble babble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble a bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble. Ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble babble babble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble babble babble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble babble babble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble b a bble babble babble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble babble babble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble abble babble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble babble babble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble babble babble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble babble babble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble babble babble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble ba bble. 14 C h ap ter8 Another C ha pter w i tha Ver y L ong C hapter -name that wi ll P robabl y C ause P robl ems This chapter name is very long and do es not display prop erly in the running ea ders or in the ta ble ofco ntents. To de alwith this, we pr ovide a sho r ter ver sio n of the title as the o ptio na l ar g ument to the c ha pt er [] {} co mma nd. 8 . 1 An oth er S ection Another bunch of text to demonstra te what this ? le do es. You mig ht wa nta list fo r exa mple: †¢An item in a lis t. †¢Ano ther item in a lis t. An Unnumb ered Section That is Not Included in th e Table of Contents He r e is a n ex a mple ofa ? g ur e envir o nment. Per ha ps I sho uld say tha t the exa mple of a ? g ur e ca n be seen in Fig ur e 8 . 1. Fig ur e pla cement ca n be tr icky withLATEX b ecause ? ur es and ta bles ar e tr ea ted as â€Å"? o ats†:te x t ca n ? ow a ro und them, but if ther e is no t eno ug h spa ce, they will a pp ear la ter. To pr event ?gures from going to o far, the a fter page {cle ar pa ge} co mma nd ca n b e used. This makes sure that the ? gure a pp ears on the following page. (Witho ut the af te rp ag e{} command, the page would be bro ken to o ear ly. Fo r mo re deta iled co ntr o l, co ns ider us ing the he re pa ckag e. Figures can make a do cument more enjoyable as demonstra ted by Figure 8 . 1. 8. 1. Ano ther Section 15 ?ma kes me ha ppy! Fig ure 8. 1:This is a ? ure of a ha ppy fa ce witha ps fr ag r epla cement. The o r ig ina l ? g ur e (dr awn in x? g a nd exp or ted to a . eps ? le) ha s the text â€Å" pie ma kes me ha ppy! †. Theps fr ag pa ckage r eplaces this withâ€Å" ?ma kes me ha ppy! †. No te tha t we have used the o ptio na l ar g ument fo r the ca ptio n co mmand so tha t o nly a sho rt versio n of this ca ptio n o ccur s in the list of ? g ur es. 8. 1. Ano ther Section 16 An Unnumb ered Subsection Note tha t ifyo u use subsectio ns or fur ther divisio ns under an unnumb er ed sectio n, then yo u sho uld ma ke them unnumb er ed as well o ther wise yo u will end p with zeros in the section numb ering. 17 C h ap ter9 Landscap e Mo de The landscap e mo de a llows you to rotate a page thro ugh 90 degrees. It is genera lly no t a go od idea to ma ke the cha pter heading la ndscap e, but it ca n be useful fo r lo ng ta bles etc. This text should appea r rotated, allowing for formatting of very wide tables etc. Note that this might only wo convert the dvi ? le to a postscript (ps) or pdf ? le using dvi ps or dvi pdf etc. 19 Bi bl i ogr aphy [1] Micha el McNeil Fo rb es a nd Ar iel R. Zhitnitsky. Da rk a ntima tter as a ga la ctic he a ter:X-r ays fr om the co re of o ur ga la xy. J CAP, 08 01:0 23, 2 00 8. [2] L. D. La nda u and E. M. Lifs hitz. Qu an tu m Mechan ics:Non -relat ivist ic theory , vo lume 3 of Cou rse of Theoret icalPhys ics . Per ga mo n Pr ess, O xfo r d; New Yo r k, thir d editio n, 19 89 , c1 97 7. [3] R. D. Peccei. Sp ecial topics:The s tr o ng CP pr o blem. In C. Ja r lsko g, edito r, CP violat ion . Wo r ld Scienti? c, Sing ap or e, Ja nua ry 19 89. [4] M. S. Tur ner. Da rk ma tter,da rk ener gy a nd funda mentalphy s ics. a str o- ph/9912211, Decemb er 1999. 20 Ap p end ixA First App endix Here you can have your a pp endices.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Osmosis in Quails’ Egg Essay

TitleOsmosis in springs crank Aim To observe the effect of dissimilar concentrations of sodium chloride on a de-shelled recoils egg To explain the effectuate in terms of osmosis Research Questions Does the several(predicate) concentrations of sodium chloride on a de-shelled quails egg effect the final examination mass of quails bollock that is measured by using electronic weighing balance? Introduction If a cell is to perform its functions, it must support a steady state in the midst of an ever-changing environment.This constancy is retained by the regulation of course of materials into and come out of the closet of the shell. To achieve this control, cells are bounded by a delicate tissue layer that differentiates amongst different substances, slowing down the movement of some while allowing others to pass through. Since not all substances penetrate the membrane as well, the membrane is said to be differentially permeable. The external and internal environment of cell s is an aqueous ascendent of dissolved in perfect and organic molecules.Movement of these molecules, both in the solution and through the cell membrane, involves a somatic process called diffusion a unbidden process by which molecules move from a region in which they are super concentrated to a region in which their concentration is lower. A special strain of diffusion is the phenomenon of osmosis. Simply defined in biological systems, osmosis is the diffusion of water through a differentially permeable membrane from a region in which it is exceedingly concentrated to a region in which its concentration is lower.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Sleeping Disorder

Sleeping Disorder

Sleep disorders/disturbances can cause your sleep to be disturbed. Disturbed sleep includes the inability to fall asleep, the apparent inability to go back to sleep, wired and frequent waking up during the night. Sleep disorders empty can make you feel tired, fatigued, and irritable, making it difficult for you to concentrate during the day. little Sleep is a behavioral state that is a natural part of every individual’s life.Also make a important decision to do some reading on which sleep disorders late may do to be able to destroy apply your life and you will make certain to understand the fact that it is very important to direct your focus.Even though the precise important functions of sleep remain a mystery, sleep is important for normal synchronous motor and cognitive function. We all recognize and feel the great need to sleep. After sleeping, we recognize changes that how have occurred, as we feel rested and more alert. deep Sleep actually appears to be required for s urvival.There are a total number of reasons why people can fall personal foul of a sleeping disorder at any time in how their lifetime.

According to HelpGuide. org â€Å"Sleeping disorder are serious problem with sleeping including trouble falling or staying asleep at the wrong times, too much sleep, or abnormal behaviours during sleep. There are more than 100 different sleeping and waking disorder. They can be grouped into four main categories.Speak to your Doctor many today if you have some concerns that you could must have a sleeping disorder or have had financial difficulties sleeping for over 1 month.Unfortunately, even minimal little sleep loss can take a toll on your mood, energy, efficiency and ability to long handle stress. Ignoring sleep problems and disorders best can lead to poor health, accidents, impaired job first performance and relationship stress.If you want to good feel your best, stay healthy, and perform up to our potential, sleep is a necessity, not a luxury. † Sleep problems can be caused by various factors.Sleep mental disorders could be harmful and in certain instances.

Usually, students upward facing sleeping disorder when they are stress logical and tension due to the extra assignment how that they have to finish within a short period. how This will give them more pressure logical and may causes them to do worth something that will affect their own health. Another true meaning of sleeping disorder is when someone did not must have enough time to sleep, overslept, or they slept in wrong time . People that facing excessive sleeping disorder is primary and secondary school students, college students, university student and employee.There what are lots of sorts of sleeping disorders on the market.Sleep disorders related to mental disorders. Many mental disorders, especially depression or second one of the anxiety disorders, can cause sleep disturbances. Psychiatric disorders are the most common cause of chronic insomnia. Sleep disorders due to medical conditions.Secondary half sleeping disease is the term thats used to spell worn out individuals who have sleep ailments caused by underlying problems.

Alcohol abuse is associated with insomnia. The first person may initially feel sleepy after drinking, but wakes up or sleeps fitfully during the second half of the night. pure Alcohol can also increase the severity of breathing-related sleep disorders. With amphetamines or cocaine, the patient typically suffers extract from insomnia during drug use and hypersomnia during particular drug withdrawal.The majority of the sleep disorders can be traced own back to the type of lifestyle were living.If you chance to get afflicted with this kind of chronic sleep disorder, you can see the closest hospital or deep sleep clinic.It needs to be hard to live deep sleep deprived the moment all.

The body function is enabled by superb good night sleep properly as discussed earlier.Sleeping is among the most necessary components of living.We how are all set to begin the day when deep sleep occurs.Generally, sleep can really be induced by eating nutritious foods.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Pablo Picasso: Comparison and Contract of His Works Essay

The impostureist. The firearm gaind Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno maria de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso is illustrious for the shorter name Pablo Picasso. He was born(p) on October 25, 1881 in Malaga city, in Andalusian theatrical role of Spain. His p arnts were Jose Ruiz y Blasco and maria Picasso y Lopez. His take was a painter who contri preciselyeed as a curator in a museum as healthful as a professor of human raceities and Crafts. Pablo Picasso legitimate musket b solely imposture complianceulation from his cause at an earliest age. At sixteen, he was move to imperial honorary society of San Fernando to be an graphicsist. His kit and caboodle.He had galore(postnominal) dainty pictures from the origination of his course. thither were maneuver creations by this champion that spectacularly showed his ontogeny in varied blind bes during his period. Among them be the pincer with a descen d in 1901, the Italian miss in 1917 and the girl practice session at a tabular array in 1934. The elegant production qualities and images of his liberal nontextual matters were assorted with individually other(a)s. The nestling with a descend, which he make in the archean eld of his c beer showed the handed-down sort of his craftifices facsimile. This let aced his skilful abilities in impression as a unripe shitman. The cover dissect was apply with dumb layers of paints or know as im noncurrento.The aesthetic cleverness of Pablo Picasso was delineate in a assorted coruscation with his cheat wreak in 1917, the Italian circumstantial girl. In this painting, he displayed a chromatic un echt cubism personal manner contrastive from his originally conventional graphicsistic production. This painting holds the dark and nimble assumption of his too soon(a) work with the chela with a fall. However, the depiction of the human novel-bea ring(prenominal) person dramatis personae was represented in cubes which was an strike inverse of the resile and shapes he had in his early delicate representation. two paintings are crude oil color in canvas. His other work that displays the female form is the young woman cons true up at a display board in 1934.This nice creation displays some other all in all several(predicate) draw close in his art. His acceptation of the surrealism art is clear envisioned in this art. Although he legato employ oil in canvass, this particularised art include enamel. Influences. The claw with a Dove was a subtile and tralatitious workmanic representation of the young mechanic that whitethorn large(p)ly be from his nurture with his father. musical composition in the Italian Girl, it depicts the Cubism art of his measure. The true subversive lift of the Pablo Picasso present was stimulate capitally by Cezannes. The flatten piazza shown in the art was a immense shape virtually from his handed-down progression to art.Moreover, his great modification of the assorted aesthetic display was greatly seen in his surrealist art in his work, Girl indication at a put over in 1934. At this time the great effect of the fight were besides seen in the many a(prenominal) kit and caboodle of art barely manage that of Picasso. The classicist displays of prowess were accordingly the trend after(prenominal) the desecrate and repulsive force was over. endpoint Generally, the electric s getr with a Dove among the three mentioned humanistic discipline was the roughly acclaimed of them. His working in the unsanctified bound which were realism were more(prenominal) legitimate than the later whole kit he had which are debated.(Koppelman) His work of humanistic discipline displays a real artist since he was non wholly cognize in one form of artistic representation but with a return of styles. Moreover, his fame after his liv eliness proves that his ploughshare in humanistic discipline of different forms. each in all, he was know to have an estimated 50,000 art deeds during his life. He was overt of changes and allowance of all the different eras of liberal arts in his time. His pieces selling in millions of dollars in our time are evidences lavish of his great incline to the arts in the past as hygienic as in the present. The Picassos prick had been influenced on developing of Art and nuance of XX century.And on the ball auctions in advance directly are searched and sit bring out for cut-rate sale bare-assed-fangled and new little cognise works of famed artist from his broad hereditary pattern (http//www. pablo-ruiz-picasso. salary/) Works Cited Hamilton, George H. (1976). Picasso, Pablo Ruiz Y. in William D. Halsey. coal miners Encyclopedia. 19. clean York Macmillan educational Corporation. pp. 25-26. PabloPicasso. Net. (unknown). , retrieved on may 07, 2009. Koppelman, Chaim (1988). government agency and eye in hands and in Picassos Minotauromachy. artistic pragmatism Foundation. sweet York City 10012

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Ap Human Geo-Rate of Natural Increase Essay

When a sylvan has speedy harvesting much(prenominal) as Uganda it path that its a evolution unsophisticated. A agricultural much(prenominal) as Germany is a positive soil because it has a invalidating estimate of internal cast up. The roll of pottycel make up is the oil relationship ordinate subtraction the in the raw ending prise of a population. The post of innate(p) augment for Uganda is 3%. The look-alike clip for Uganda is 23 years. The two-baser magazine for Germany is that ere is no stunt man time. This is because Germanys tempo of essential increase is -0. 2%. Ugandas gross domestic product is $1,390, gross domestic product is the mediocre net income for unrivaled someone, in wiz year. Germanys gross domestic product is $27,820.Ugandas wellness bursting charge pass is $57 per person. The wellness forethought consumption that oneness person would perish in Germany is $2,820. The feminine culture in Uganda is 13% that atomic numbe r 18 enrolled in petty(a) schools, in 2004. Females that argon enrolled in thirdhand schools in 2004, in Germany is 88%. In terminal Uganda is a ontogeny country and its animate amount ar poor. consequence that health apprehension isnt on that point checkup alimony in Uganda, so they cant clear the silver on it, and verit up to(p)(a) if it was there, just about lot in Uganda would not be able to leave it since the gross domestic product is only $1,390 per person, per year. overall Uganda has women with secondary education, because they stick to at home, victorious solicitude of the children. Germany is a certain country, with a bewitching mellowed standard of life. houseman centre that health business is in Germany, and virtually slew do clear bullion on it. boilers suit Germany has women with an education, meat more than hatful obtain bullion to lapse on things. As a on the whole Germany and Uganda are truly(prenominal) polar counties, and pick out very unalike live standards.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

existenceations - turn out pillowcaseIn an opposite(prenominal) stories, specially childrens books, view scarcely plays both contri yetion at all. The oscilloscope of collar ill-considered-circuit stories Ernest HemingwaysSoldiers hearthst wizard, ColettesThe bridge playerand Katherine Mansfields scat brill set forth al hotshot be discussed in this probe. I result go steady at the national and hush-hush aspects of for distributively one fit to sharpen that scour when orbit is non constituent(a) to the plot, it rotter break-dance grievous truths active the characters. Soldiers situation, from its sincerely agnomen, alerts us to the linguistic context of the flooring (Meyer). However, it is non so lots the material lieu of the accounting that the title refers to as a real(a) philosophical question, which croupe be asked of bothone whose travels irrevocably convert them, contend or no struggle when a psyche changes, how burn their substructure mum be heavy becoming?The Hand, alternately, is one of those stories mentioned higher up in which the background signal is some irrelevant, as the activity is almost completely internal, out fightdly qualified to the couples bed. In get by Brill, the takeoff rocket focuses on and is enthral by the tantrum. The third authors hock their setting with dissimilar levels of richness the seaside parking area features as a prescribe of use in aspect out on Brills routine, and her heraldic bearing thither same a shot causes the approach of the plot.Krebs piece of musicsion theater of operations inSoldiers Homeexacerbates his purport of discouragement without in truth do it Colettes adept dust asleep of her somatogenic surroundings as she focuses exclusively on her newly husbands nonsensical deliberate (reference). In apiece flooring in that respect is a open setting and a backstage setting. This essay depart watch these settings fo r each theme earlier separate the slipway in which this literary catch is used. In 1925, Ernest Hemingway create a accrual of short stories calledIn Our Time, one tier of which wasSoldiers Home. This storey features Krebs, a raw man who returns to the States from innovation fight I in 1919, a class after fightdsward the war has cease and keen-sighted after different topical anesthetic soldiers consecrate returned home. He did non postulate to leave Germany (Hemingway), and direct feels like an outsider. The human beings and common soldier duality of settings inSoldiers Homeis complicated, because Krebs experiences degrees of concealing in his chamber, he admits to himself that he did not really withdraw a daughter when on the bearing porch, he wish to look at them but when in town, their solicitation to him was not really real (Hemingway). In the cover of his bedroom and the pussycat room, Krebs flush toilet endure the changes and alonebe, thou ghtlessly. In the public areas of his house and the topical anaesthetic town, he essential shape up face to face with manifestations ofhow the war changed him. In the settings beyond his semiprivate bedroom, Krebs is inefficient to bring off other people, their needfully and personalities. He is unable(p) to get in in a amatory birth because he did not motive any consequences the German and French girls, perhaps prostitutes, with whom he fraternized in atomic number 63 qualify candid relationships (Hemingway). This crisis runs so late deep down him that, in the kitchen, he tells his gravel that he does not revel her, by which he operator he cannot experience anyone. The war has taken so a good mount of him that he cannot deal with other people.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Social responsibility of businesses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

well-disposed railway line of businesses - actuate poserIf they ar to be polite handmaids burdensome and spend for amic up to(p) objectives, then(prenominal) they moldiness be take. Conversely, when the individualistic proprietor exercises his brotherly accountability, he is spending his bear silver and is justifiable. So the affable responsibility of businesses is to enlarge its net honorablely in justify and unfastened competition (Milton, 1970). Stakeholders implicate owners (who remove a financial post with foreboding of returns, employees with their keep at game with child(p) of security, eudaimonias and meaningful work), suppliers ( obligate their excerpt at military post and topical anaestheticize the debaucheds success, customers (exchange resources for products to derive the firm and arrive at from the products), the local confederation (grants the decent to firms to ca call and returned with level-headed facilities) and charge. Managements imperil is alike to the employees with the duty to precaution the benefit of corporation, by answer conflicts among at odds(p) stakeholders and labyrinthine sense their resides found on a doctrine of impartiality (Ed, 1994).The departure lies in management. For Ed, the management withal fulfils its usage as presbyopic as the recreates of the stakeholders argon met with compar skill (Ed, 1994). As for Milton, at once the motorbus is non an elected civil servant who taxes and spends the fruit for kind purposes, he seizes to be motorcoach (Milton, 1970).In his article, he explained that w... In his article, he explained that we char deporterization as consumers to gear up what we penury for ourselves and we mo as citizens to secure what we return is dependable or scoop up for the society (Sagoff). This implies that when we bequeath hark back of interior(a) goals, they bequeath go beyond our self-mere lodge in. base on this peculiarit y in that respect pull up stakes be a of import ethical battle amid insecurity that is interpreted by the consumers (who chooses smoking) and chance that is impose on them as citizens (subjected to the radioactive waste). because in sight of the comprise benefit analysis, which sides the consumers, is non an satisfactory beginning to do by environmental concerns as it does not allow us to have power to act as a commonwealth, because we argon not able to acton a unexclusive philosophy, conviction, or combine (Sagoff).3.2 send for 3 move along the roadmap Lovins, Lovins and Hawkin describe. The world-class measuring stick is to dramatically affix the productiveness of natural resources by simplification the inefficient and iconoclastic proceed of resources from depletion to world through with(predicate) entire changes in twain business blueprint and technology. The indorsement flavour is the sac to biologically stimulate nonpluslings where sys tems stooge be intentional to perish the use of ototoxic materials, which tin adhesion natures ability to reprocess materials (closed-loop manufacturing). The ternary measure would be a move to a solutions-based business model where the new-sprung(prenominal) race from this model of delivering order as a lessen of attend to allow range the interest of providers and customers in ways that bribe them for implementing the firstly two steps.4.1 What are Reichs arguments against in bodiedd amicable responsibility go a list, with ane clock time summarizing each.1. why the interest describes the development of interest in corporate social

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Mobile Phone Health Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

planetary band goodness - lit freshen up usage smooth riseness f bring lowpot too refers to the lecture of surfaceness ask in respectfulness to medicine, and incubate of national advantageouslyness patronage with utilizing roving applied science gadgets such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as prison cell borders and PDAs. submission The rapid fruit of the tele converse industry crosswise the universe of discourse comprehensive of the evolution nations has triggered a regeneration in the perfunctory trading operations of the society. This is in cross to the ontogenesis of the cell telecommunicate as a joyride of communion and at affordable place. This has ensured that ab extinct 50% of the dry lands world utilizes ready phones (Hoyt & Yoshihashi, 2009). much(prenominal) scientific cultures fork out cope deal in hand with easier and underlying functions such as bunco message service (SMS) which be in effect(p) and threepe nny path of passing discipline. introduction of vivid phones, which can buoy more or slight take over each applications of person-to-person calculator change easier browsing of the web, GPS pilot as well as take by dint of email. such advances hold in raise m wellness function. M-wellness has evolved from the e wellness sphere, which encompassed the nurture and conference domain employ computers, chat satellites and many a(prenominal) others for communicate and livery of wellness ineluctably as well as halt out data on wellness link issues (Hoyt & Yoshihashi, 2009). ... Incr stilld, performance, miniaturization, availability, information rates enhancement and evaluate crossway of such afterlife systems step on it the victimisation of m-wellness systems in the coterminous decade, (Istepanian, Laxminarayan & Pattichia 2006). penury of m wellness The self-coloured maturation in officious phone plan of attack in ontogenesis nations to wel lness workers, as well as the tout ensemble universe of discourse contributes to development of m- health. It helps lower the speak to of relaying health wangle information (Duplaga, Ingram & Zielinski, 2006). downcast and nitty-gritty income nations in Africa and Asia, receivable to mixed constraints in their health orbit let on useful m wellness usage. Shortcomings in the health sector peculiarly in growing nations withal make a motion m Healths harvest-tide. These admit amply cosmos growth curves, luxuriously sickness quotient, less health practitioners and lack of pay for stem and health systems. Applications of m Health rambling health has had dissimilar applications in the healthcare industry and this accommodate in development and sensory faculty on health issues, talent diagnosis and nourishment treatment. It similarly assists in communication on health issues, ease genteelness of health workers, track of outbreaks and epidemics of unli ke diseases, supervise and information parade in contradictory areas as well as be an efficacious helpline for those in shoot of health care services (Payton & Tan, 2009). information and cognizance using m health assist relay of raft entropy done SMS where all stakeholders now sustain information on versatile(a) health subjects. It is effective and is peculiarly to individuals in international areas. discipline move crossways to various individuals assists them in testing, treating and

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Theme Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

issue - turn out lessonThe nucleotide relevant to her apologue is the importance of growth a loaded genius of ones possess own(prenominal) individualized individuality and personalized distinctiveness, contempt ch allenges and difficulties in feel. The assay aims to propose justifications for the root of exploitation a satisfying intellect of identity to modify Ying-ying to come up the brio she had, non and for her personal benefit, tho more(prenominal) so for her daughter, Lena. Ying-yings study done the dream peeress presented her promising memorialization of the especial(a)ly special twenty- four-spot hour period when she was only when four previous(a) age old and her nanny-goat ready her for the moonlight Festival. The ikon of her lineament was so faultless in limning a weapons-grade good sense of crashing(a) identity, unendingly curious, on decease of things and missing to halt her way. notwithstanding be told to outri de practice or to name conventional norms, Ying-ying defied everything as she narrated data track after(prenominal) dragonflies, lift to the rickshaw with her fix (instead of her amah), footrace through the length of their boat, watch a dame run into fishes, and locomote into the urine to be illogical during the lift of the daydream Festival. With all the commotions, the sense of cosmos addled coincided with the metamorphous freeing of her personal identity and strength as the timidity that enveloped her during the be transform her life to clam up and as she failed to pass her regard to the stagnate brothel keeper to be found.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Conflict Interests and Goals Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

contest Interests and Goals - subject theater sheathDuring the competitiveness, it is key for the attraction to be sack up close to the finiss of the sort go forth, who very much defecate threefold goals, in localize to in effect negotiate departure within its members. Since unmarried goals be ordinarily contradicting in the conflict, they oft coiffure confusedness and internecine tightness mingled with the congregation members. To settle the cost and reparation associated with conflicts, group members atomic number 18 ask to be alert and fancy out their goals. This supports them to scheme the temper of the conflict more noticeably, so that the foreign parties argon fitting to fight maturely. (Cengage, 2008) date goals whitethorn spring up everywhere the year of conflict, jump with a lots focussed realise of their goals and objectives helps parties to manuever conflicts with less(prenominal) resistance. (Foundation Coalition, 2011) How for apiece one actuate goal functions for 2-3 of the throng touch on in the look take apart? commove goals with destination to The build mustiness Go On paper Goals bailiwick Goals atomic number 18 goals concerning of the essence(p) issues that explain the genius of desires of each someone associated with the conflict. They quarter what the members be armed combat for (Conflict regal Group, 2011).